The Romanian Film Festival centers on the theme “STORIES IN MOTION: CHARTERING PATHS IN ROMANIAN CINEMA” with a selection of Romanian films representing student shorts and the most recent feature films from accoladed filmmakers within and outside contemporary Romania.
The Romanian Film Festival continues its series of interdisciplinary and comparative discussions on the realities of Eastern Europe in today’s increasingly globalized world.
Coppola Theater SFSU
August Coppola Theatre (FA 101) Fine Arts Building, Coppola Theater, San Francisco State Univ., 1600 Holloway Ave, San Francisco, CA 94132 (map)
April 21 2023
5:00 - 6:00 pm
The Potemkinists, directed by Radu Jude, 2022, 18min.
Student Short Film– My Sister and I, directed by Theodor Ionita, 2022, 17m, Q&A with director Theodor Ionita
6:00 - 7:00 pm Opening Reception
7:00 - 9:30 pm
Miracle, directed by Bogdan George Apetri , 2021, 118 min, Q&A with director Bogdan George Apetri
April 22 2023
2:00 -3:50 pm
Bad Luck Banging or Loony Porn, directed by Radu Jude, 2021, 106 min.
not suitable for people under 16
3:50 - 6:00 pm
Men of Deeds, directed by Paul Negoescu, 2022, 105 min.
6:00 - 7:00 pm Break
7:00 - 9:15 pm
R.M.N., directed by Cristian Mungiu, 2022, 125 min.
Stanford University
Paul Allen Building, Room 101 X, 330 Jane Stanford Way, Stanford University, CA 94305 (map)
April 23 2023
2:00 - 4:00 pm
Almanac Cinema - short movies by Radu Jude: Caricaturana, 9 min, Amintiri de pe Frontul de Est, co-regizor Adrian Cioflâncă, 30 min., Cele două execuÈ›ii ale MareÈ™alului, 10 min. A pedepsi, a supraveghea, 13 min, Plastic semiotic, 2021, 22 min.
Selection of Student Short Movies:
My Sister and I, directed by Theodor Ionita, 17 min., Q&A with director Theodor Ionita
I Want to Smash the Greenhouse, directed by Teona Galgoțiu, 21 min.
Our House, directed by Bogdan Alexandru, 14 min.
When the MIGs Fly directed by Philip Găicean, 17 min.
Suborbital - Timothy Sós, 29 min.
4:00 - 5:40 pm
Metronom directed by Alexandru Belc, 2022, 93min
6:00 - 6:45 pm
Panel Discussion: Film as Art, Industry, and Academic Discipline.
Panelists: Christopher Coppola, Dr. Steven Kovacs, Dr. Cosana Eram, Bogdan George Apetri. Moderator: Dr. Florentina Mocanu
Dedicated to the memory of Professors Dr. August Coppola, Carl Weber, Tom Luddy and Dr. Jean-Marie Apostolidès, great educators and film supporters.
7:00 - 9:30 pm
Unidentifed, directed by Bogdan George Apetri, 2020, 163min., Q&A with director Bogdan George Apetri
Class Exchange - student film screenings and discussions at University of San Francisco
Open only to SFU students.
Special guests: Bogdan George Apetri and Theodor Ionita
Friday April 21, 2023, 11:45 am -12;45 pm, University of San Francisco, Lone, Mountain Room 244A
Mihail and Achim, written and directed by Theodor Ioniță
A Very Small Trilogy Of Loneliness, written and directed by Bogdan George Apetri, 8 min.
Friday 2:15 pm - 3: 20 pm, University of San Francisco, Kalmanovitz Hall 211
I Want to Smash the Greenhouse, directed by Teona Galgotiu, 21 min.
Our House, directed by Bogdan Alexandru, 14 min.
Monday April 24, 2023 11:45 am -12;45 pm, University of San Francisco, Lone Mountain Room 244A
When the MIGs Fly by, directed by Philip Găicean, 17 min.
Suborbital, directed by Timothy Sós, 29 min.
free events & open to the public
All schedule is subject to change. For most updated information, visit the website of the festival. Films are in Romanian with English subtitles. Seating is limited, please arrive early. Viewer discretion is advised.